Occupation 1968
Shapes of Memory
Stephan Komandarev
Marie Elisa Scheidt
Linda Dombrovszky
Magdalena Szymkow
Evdokia Moskvina
Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria
Czech, Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, German

In 1968 Czechoslovakia was occupied by 5 countries. 50 years later, directors from each of these occupying countries are shooting a five-episode film about the invasion. They are interested in exploring how “an average person” acts in “big history”: what role does individual responsibility and personal integrity play in critical situations when individuals must choose between saving their life or obeying the rules? For the “friendly" forces of the Warsaw Pact countries the occupation of Czechoslovakia was a very different experience from that of the Czech and Slovak people. What did the soldiers who were sent to “make order” in a foreign country think and feel? Occupation from the occupier’s perspective.
Péter Kerekes
Filip Remunda
Vit Klusák
Martichka Bozhilova
Stanislaw Zaborowski
Horváth-Szabó Ágnes
Muhi András Pires
Pap Levente
Nina Altaparmakova
Denize Galiao
Izabela Pajak PSM
Matej Benes
Dombrovszky Linda
Stephan Komandarev
Marie Elisa Scheidt
Magdalena Szymkow
Evdokia Moskvina
Nyoszoli Ákos
Vesselin Hristov
Moritz Tessendorf
Zuzanna Kernbach
Jakub Halousek
Martin Merc
Richard Müller
Jan Cenek
Beke Tamás
Marcin Lenarczyk
Clemens Becker
Marek Piacek
Bolcsó Bálint
Katarzyna Szymkow Rokota
Sum II & Laura Hempel
Stefan Valdobrev
Production info:
Hypermarket Film s.r.o., AGITPROP, ELF Pictures Kft.
Distribution info:
Slingshot Films, Manuela Buono, Via Salita di Gretta 7/1, Trieste, TS 34125, Italy, manuela@slingshotfilms.it, www.slingshotfilms.it
Go East IFF
Sofia IFF
Titanic IFF
Karlovy Vary FF
Sarajevo FF