We Will Not Fade Away: An Authentic Denunciation of Human Rights Violations?
Elena Hesterkamp Wednesday, 17 January 2024.
Denied motherhood
Daniel Sepúlveda Monday, 15 January 2024.
How violation of human rights leads to violence in general
Polina Vardanian Monday, 15 January 2024.
Consequences of men's dominance over women's bodies in times of war
Kamila Sousa Monday, 15 January 2024.
Finding Home
Solongo Soninbayar Wednesday, 20 December 2023.
Beautiful symphony about a difficult topic
Ingrid Pérez Thursday, 14 December 2023.
The versatile contribution of the protagonist
Pinczés Réka Thursday, 14 December 2023.
The never returning guest workers
Ana Marija Vukovic Thursday, 14 December 2023.
Whose garbage is on the North Pole? Social responsibility of environmental damages
Flóra Mesterházy Wednesday, 25 January 2023.
The role of a documentary in showing the power of the independent press
Tímea Dimashky-Korompai Wednesday, 25 January 2023.