AltKöz Community House
For the 1st time Verzió in Debrecen!
November 21-23
The Association for Alternative Communities (Alternatív Közösségek Egyesülete, AKE) was founded in 1998 as an independent legal entity in Debrecen. In their early years, they organized several programs at venues favored by younger people of various subcultures. While their immediate focus is on young people of subcultures, they support everyone on the edge of society or who feels the challenges of social constraints. The association aims to reintegrate those citizens of Debrecen who have an alternative way of thinking, while allowing them to function according to their values. Today, AKE mostly generates grassroots initiatives, works with informal groups, develops communities and organizes events. Examples of such informal groups (which now function independent of the association) include: the Debrecen Bike Maffia, the Natív, the Főnix Fixed Gear and the Sub.hu.
November 21 (Thursday)
17:00 Tiny Souls
19:00 Buddha in Africa
November 22 (Friday)
17:00 White Right: Meeting the Enemy
19:00 The Euphoria of Being
November 23 (Saturday)
15:00 How Big is the Galaxy?
17:00 The Pastor of Mandák House
Tickets: 400 HUF
Daily pass: 600 HUF
3-day pass: 1500 HUF
4029 Debrecen
Baross Gábor u. 16.
Photo © Éva Horvát