
Pamela Cohn


Pamela Cohn is a freelance film & video curator, arts & culture writer, nonfiction story consultant and dramaturge for film & video makers and moving image artists. She works as a professional mentor for such entities as Open City London's Assembly and The British Council / Scottish Documentary Institute’s program, Connecting Stories, for artists making their first or second long-form works. Pamela is the author of Lucid Dreaming: Conversations with 29 Filmmakers (OR Books New York & London, 2020) and produces, writes and hosts The Lucid Dreaming Podcast: Conversations on Cinema, Art & Moving Image in cooperation with Lono Studio, London. She has been a contributing writer for MIT’s Open Doc Lab blog site IMMERSEFilmmaker MagazineBOMB MagazineThe Calvert JournalSenses of Cinema, and works as a freelance writer for film print and web publications, catalogues and artist materials. Pamela created the blog Still in Motion, active from 2007 to 2015. She works as a host, moderator and interlocutor for filmmaker talks, panels and roundtables at an array of international festivals including the True/False Film Fest, Camden International, Sheffield Doc/Fest, DokuFest, Open City London, and IDFA.

Event Date & Location: 

Michaela Kolláriková


Michaela Kolláriková a People in Need Slovakia által szervezett One World Nemzetközi Filmfesztivál oktatási szekciójának koordinátoraként dolgozik. Az interaktívmédia-elmélet tanulmányai során, a kulturális intézményekben és nonprofit szervezetekben végzett különböző projekteknek és szakmai gyakorlatoknak köszönhetően fedezte fel lelkesedését a szociális kérdések, az önkéntesség és a civil szektor iránt. A One World lehetőséget kínál neki, hogy a kreatív iparban dolgozhasson, ugyanakkor a szociális kérdésekre, az emberi jogokra és a nem formális oktatásra összpontosíthasson.

Event Date & Location: 
Oktatási koordinátor, One World, Szlovákia
Filmfesztiválok, egyetemek és oktatás a dokumentumfilmekkel

Michaela Kolláriková


Michaela Kolláriková works as a Coordinator of the educational section at the One World International Film Festival organized by People in Need Slovakia. During her studies of the Theory of interactive media, thanks to various projects and internships in cultural institutions and non-profit organizations, she discovered her enthusiasm for social issues, volunteering and the civil sector. One World offers her to work in the creative industry and focus on social issues, human rights and non-formal education at the same time.  

Event Date & Location: 
Coordinator of the educational section, One World, Slovakia
Festivals, Universities, and Documentary Film Education

Dominik Vontor


He graduated with a master's degree in Film Studies and Television and Radio Studies at Palacký University in Olomouc and studied Directing and Screenwriting at the Tomas Bata University Film School in Zlín. In the years 2017-2018 he completed an international course of production studies at FAMU International and participated in the production of several student documentaries. He continued his cooperation with FAMU and still works as an external producer for projects of foreign students. He worked as an event and production manager in several cinemas and arthouse film clubs and since 2019 he has been working as an industry curator of the 4Science program at the Academia Film Olomouc festival.

Event Date & Location: 
Szakmai programszervező, Academia Film Olomouc, Csehország
A hetedik DocLab workshopban résztvevő 8 projekt nyilvános prezentációja

Dominik Vontor


He graduated with a master's degree in Film Studies and Television and Radio Studies at Palacký University in Olomouc and studied Directing and Screenwriting at the Tomas Bata University Film School in Zlín. In the years 2017-2018 he completed an international course of production studies at FAMU International and participated in the production of several student documentaries. He continued his cooperation with FAMU and still works as an external producer for projects of foreign students. He worked as an event and production manager in several cinemas and arthouse film clubs and since 2019 he has been working as an industry curator of the 4Science program at the Academia Film Olomouc festival.

Event Date & Location: 
Industry Curator, Academia Film Olomouc, Czecz Republic
Public Presentation of the projects of the 7th Verzió DocLab

Ivana Formanová


2013 óta számos filmfesztivál, kiállítás és kulturális esemény szervezésében vett részt Csehországban és külföldön. Angol filológiát és filmtudományt tanult az olmützi Palacký Egyetemen. 2015 óta az Academia Film Olomouc (AFO) nemzetközi dokumentumfilm-fesztivál Industry 4Science szekciójának vezetője. Jelenleg Prágában dolgozik a KineDok közösségi dokumentumfilm-forgalmazási projekt vezetőjeként, amely az Institute of Documentary Film egyik tevékenysége.

Event Date & Location: 
KineDok menedzser, Csehország
A hetedik DocLab workshopban résztvevő 8 projekt nyilvános prezentációja

Ivana Formanová


Since 2013, she has been involved in the production and programming of several film festivals, exhibitions and cultural events in the Czech Republic and abroad. She studied English Philology and Film Studies at Palacký University in Olomouc. Since 2015, she has been Head of the Industry 4Science section at the Academia Film Olomouc (AFO) international documentary film festival. She currently works in Prague as the manager of the community-driven documentary distribution project KineDok, which is one of the activities of the Documentary Film Institute.

Event Date & Location: 
KineDok Manager, Czech Republic
Public Presentation of the projects of the 7th Verzió DocLab

Oleksandr Pavlichenko


Since 1st November 2017 – Executive Director of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union. Deputy Head of the Commission under the President of Ukraine on pardons (since August 2019) Member of the Supervisory Board of National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine (since December 2017). Member of the Legal Reform Commission under the President of Ukraine (since August 2019). Member of the Consultative Council on protection rights and freedoms of defenders of Ukraine (since April 2021). For over 10 years, led the diplomatic institution –Information Office of the Council of Europe in Ukraine. For 15 years, he had been involved in project coordination and management by the Council of Europe in Ukraine. Was an executive director of the “Ukrainian Legal Aid Foundation” – organisation which developed the legal aid provision standards in Ukraine. The author and co-author of a number of publications on the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, manuals and guides on the issues of rights for information, in particular, access to public information, as well as the publications on the free legal aid. Worked at the philological faculty of Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko (deputy dean of the philological faculty on the work with foreign students) and at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine at the department of information.

Event Date & Location: 
Executive Director, Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union
Crisis Without Borders

Maria Kurinna


Maria Kurinna emberi jogi szakértő, diplomáciai háttérrel és komoly nemzetközi érdekérvényesítő tapasztalattal rendelkezik, többek között az ukrajnai nők és lányok jogait, a gyermekek jogait, a lakóhelyüket elhagyni kényszerült személyek jogait az orosz agresszióval összefüggésben előmozdító kampányokban. Dolgozott az ENSZ Emberi Jogi Tanácsánál, az ENSZ OHCHR-nél, a Gyermekjogi Bizottságnál, a CEDAW-nál, az Európa Tanácsnál és az Európai Parlamentnél. Jelenleg Maria a ZMINA Emberi Jogi Központ nemzetközi érdekvédelmi vezetője. A ZMINA az ideiglenesen megszállt Krímben elkövetett emberi jogi jogsértések nyomon követésére összpontosít, jelenleg pedig a tagjaként háborús bűnöket és emberiesség elleni bűncselekményeket dokumentál. Maria szenvedélyesen támogatja az emberi jogok előmozdítását és az elkövetők felelősségre vonását.

Event Date & Location: 
International Advocacy Chief, Human Rights Centre ZMINA
Válság határok nélkül


Feliratkozás Vendég csatornájára