Try Harder!

Try Harder!
Student Verzió
Debbie Lum
Nico Opper
Lou Nakasako
Distribution info: 
Autlook Stephanie Fuchs

The atmosphere is tense in San Francisco’s best public high school as seniors are preparing for their entrance exams. They have worked hard for years, knowing that only a few will be accepted to their dream universities. The film leads us through the challenges and pitfalls of the application procedure, and the divergent opportunities for students with diverse social backgrounds.

Ask your question from the Director!

Debbie Lum is an award-winning San Francisco-based filmmaker whose projects give voice to the Asian American experience and other unsung stories. Seeking Asian Female, her feature-length directing debut premiered at SXSW, aired on PBS' Independent Lens and won numerous awards. The film was a “fan favorite” on PBS and alongside its broadcast premiere, Lum launched a 5-part short video series about race and dating. Previously she worked as a documentary editor; and she has also written and directed several short comedies. She has an M.F.A in Cinema from San Francisco State University, and a B.A. in Religious Studies from Brown University.

Selected filmography: 
2012 - Seeking Asian Female
2005 - Chinese Beauty (fiction short)