From the Main Square
A compact illustration of social disruption. A civilization blossoms, with all its contradictions, only to become a danger to itself. Encircling a central square, a new town emerges in all its diversity. A crossroad of stories, buildings, hopes, and conflicts. Social ties and cultures take root. People nurture sympathy and care for their equals, but also animosity toward those who are different. It doesn't take long for an "us versus them" atmosphere to take over. From The Main Square is an interactive VR experience that invites the viewer to witness the rise and fall of a divided society.
Pedro Harres is a director, animator, screenwriter, and multimedia artist born in Porto Alegre and based in Berlin. He holds a BA in Cinema from UNISINOS (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos) and a BA in Philosophy from UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), both in Brazil; and an MA in Animation Direction from Babelsberg Film Universität, Germany. Among his previous works are the short film “A Smaller Animal (Um Animal Menor)”, which received several awards in Brazil; The video installation “Ego Machine (EgoMáquina)”, and the short film “Castillo y el Armado”, Oscar-qualified in 2015 and premiered in the Orizzonti competition at Venice Film Festival. “From The Main Square” is his Master’s thesis in Directing Animation at Babelsberg Film University, his debut in interactive VR, and won the Immersive Grand Jury Prize at the 79th Venice International Film Festival 2022.