Verzió x METU Alternative Poster Exhibition
The alternate posters exhibition is a collaboration between MA Graphic Design students at the Metropolitan University (METU) and Verzió International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival.The show is a beloved tradition, part of the festival’s UniVerzió program, of which this year’s will be the seventh installment.
Movie posters play an important role in cinema, not only as a means of advertisement but as a bridge between the audience and the cinematic experience. The poster’s commitment to the singular image provides a lens to look into a film through, and it can reshape its entire meaning for a particular viewer. The students have chosen freely from this year’s festival program and, under the mentorship of Krzysztof Ducki, Krisztián Gál and Andrej Toth, have crafted this diverse show which reflects the varied program and lively atmosphere of the festival.
The exhibition can be seen in the Polish Institute from the 11th-29th of November.
Exhibition Opening: 11 November, 6,30pm
Address: Budapest 1065, Nagymező u. 15.
List of students:
Zsolt Balogh, Balázs Benedek, Fanny Benke, Mónika Bíró, Szilvia Csengeri, Zsófia Lilla Czernecki, Alexandra Farkas, Boglárka Füle, Réka Fülepp, Panna Gáspár, Vanda Gödöllei, Ágota Habony, Martin Haider, Vivien Herold, Virág Eszter Horváth, Eszter Józsa, Kristóf Kecskés, Vanda Kecskés, Adrienn Kovács, Júlia Lantos, Eszter Lukács, Brigitta Ládi, Lilla Madarász, Fanni Emőke Molnár, Mátyás Mozsár, Cintia Mátrai, Anna Sára Nagy, Boglárka Aliz Nagy, Zita Nattán-Fluck, Kata Palatin, Karolina Klaudia Pallovits, Dávid Dénes Pócsik, Eszter Csenge Sain, Fanni Salamon, Bence Sūkōsdi, Viktor Varga