Without volunteers Verzió wouldn’t be a vibrant and human festival. Volunteers’ work is crucial from the first year of Verzió. They help with preparations and the smooth execution of all the – online and in-person – programs. Our diverse team shares similar values: respect for human rights and love for documentary cinema. Many volunteers return year after year, forming a year-round community around the festival. Do you want to join us? Meet filmmakers and learn about the hottest social documentaries from recent years at first hand.
We’re looking for volunteers to assist mainly with:
- Location management: as a host give information to visitors, collect votes for Audience Award, introduce the films and guests before the screenings, assist accompanying programs
- Promotion and communication: distribution of brochures and posters in cultural and community spaces, photo documentation at our events, promotion of films and programs on social media platforms
- Guests services: welcome the foreign guests at the airport (taxi fare covered by Verzió), help their orientation throughout their visit
- general interest in human rights and documentary films
- at least intermediate/conversational English knowledge
- commitment & availability: approx. 20 hours work during the festival week (5-8 hour shift per day) and participation at the orientation meeting. It will take place on October 15, 2021 (tbc).
Between shifts, you can watch films, make new friends and take in the Festival atmosphere!
More info: Dina Tarjan, volunteer@verzio.org